The completed archway in the Upland fabrication facility

The Magical Science exhibit at Omaha Children’s Museum blended whimsical ideas of magic with surprising and fun applications of modern science. But it was missing an attractive entrance to set the tone of the space. So the Upland Exhibits team, including myself, was called in to make a Hogwarts-esque arch that would greet visitors with a “magical” welcome.

Designing a highly scenic element featuring interactive components was an intriguing challenge. I researched historic stone buildings and arches of all types and degrees of fictitiousness to evoke an ancient structure imbued with mysterious power.

Considering the need for periodic storage and transportation, I devised a set of four identical corners paired with four arches that could be separated and reassembled.

Using Fusion 360, I digitally designed the stone layout and masonry. I then programmed a CNC router to sculpt the shapes. Flat sheet goods were kerf-cut to build the curving surfaces. Custom curly masonry ties adorned the exterior, enhancing the whimsical look. Embedded LED rope lights activate when people step into the archway, resembling glowing inscriptions in the stone blocks.

LEFT: Drawings for fabrication, CENTER: CNC-carved MDF to look like stones, RIGHT: Setting the cap of one arch onto the corners

Stepping into the archway truly resulted in a magical experience!

Project Management: Jocelyn Wilkinson
Physical Design: Anthony Esau
Fabrication: Dan Miller, Mark Andres, Jocelyn Wilkinson, Anthony Esau
Client: Omaha Children’s Museum